Painting with my family


 My cousins, dad,  uncle, and I were painting my aunt and uncles house to get it ready to be sold. I had a fun time, even if I did  get paint in my hair twice!  One of my cousins and I were being nosey, so we got pulled into painting. It took us about one hour just to finish one wall, so we spent about 4 hours in total. All of the evidence is right on my slippers! It happend over the summer, about 2 months ago. We all switched the type of paint brush or roller.  We got paint everywhere on us.  When we first started my cousin and I were wearing the wrong clothes so I changed but she kept her skirt on and got paint on it. When I was taking a break, a type of bee flew in so we had to hide in the master bedroom.

Rainbows and Sunshine Set
Devyn's Life


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